Do Cockroaches Bite? – Signs, Treatment & Home Remedies

Do cockroaches bite? What are the signs of a cockroach bite? Cockroaches are known to be filthy and tend to survive on eating trash, leftovers, rotting food materials and crumbs. They even feed on food stuck in the sink. But do they really bite? These insects are likely to cause a bite of fingernails, eyelashes, feet and hands. The bites are likely to cause skin irritation, lesions and swelling. This article will give in detail the information on cockroach bite, signs and treatment including home remedies to cure the bite.

Unlike other pest such as bed bugs, fleas and mosquitos that feed on human blood, cockroaches are omnivorous. They can survive on scarce food sources. A growing number of cockroaches can be hard to deal with. Although they are active during the night, they can be seen crawling during the day in drain and around leaky pipes.

These insects can be a cause of alarm on your health. They can carry disease causing pathogens such as viruses and bacteria. They may not be aggressive in nature but they are can bite human. Read more to understand what cockroach bite looks like, signs, if they bite is itchy or dangerous, how to treat and many more including home remedies.

Do Cockroach Bite Humans?

Cockroach bites on humans is not a common problem. Cockroaches rarely bite human, but his also depends on the type of cockroach. There are certain types of cockroaches that will but especially when the food sources is scarce or none at all.  Cockroaches would rather feed on dead insects than bite humans.

If you are having a sensitive skin, the bite can be mistaken for other insect bites. It can cause an allergic reaction or sometimes develop into an itchy bump. The bites in humans can be noticed in areas such as fingertips, hands, feet or calloused skin. In most cases, the bites don’t cause a serious reaction but can result to a small lesion, red bump or in some cases a wounded skin.

Rarely do cockroaches bite during the day. They are most active during the night and most bites if any happens this time. Children and infants are the most likely to have the bites than adults since they have a soft skin. A cockroach bite can cause skin infection by scratching their leg spine on the skin since they are known to carry infectious bacteria.

Do Cockroaches Bite Pests, Dogs?

Just like in humans, cockroaches can bite your pets such as dogs, cats etc. The bite can cause itching or burning sensation and sometimes visible scratch on the infested area. The good news is that cockroaches do not contain venom. Also, they are less likely to bite pets as compared to humans.

Do Cockroach Bite or Sting?

Unlike other insects such as wasps or bees, cockroach do not sting. Although not so common, cockroach bite like bed bugs, fleas or mosquitoes. A cockroach bite will leave a large red round mark or bump on the skin.

Cockroach bite is not poisonous but it can cause diseases carrying pathogens such bacteria and viruses. The bites can be itchy causing pain or discomfort on the skin.

Do American Cockroaches Bite?

American cockroach is a common type of pest around the world. Usually, they feed on dead insects, meat and rotting food. American cockroaches have been reported to be bite kids especially their fingernails and eyelashes. Their bite can cause red bumps, lesions, or wounds in children and infants owing to their soft skin.

Read also: American Cockroaches, Facts, Information, How to Get Rid Instantly, Naturally & Home Remedies

Do German Cockroaches Bite?

German cockroaches are among the most common type of cockroaches found across the world. They fond of eating sweets and starchy foods.

Just like the American cockroaches, German cockroaches rarely bite humans. But if they infest your home and their population grows rapidly, they will only bite as food source gets scarce.

They can only bite dead skin, toes or hands. Their bites can result to itchy skin, burning sensation, or lesion in severe cases. A bite from a German cockroach can cause redness and a round mark on the skin.

Signs of Cockroach Bite

What are the symptoms and signs of a cockroach bite? A bite from a cockroach can cause pain, itchy skin, reddish marks, rashes on skin, watery eyes, nasal congestion, sneezing or coughing. In extreme cases, you may also notice anaphylaxis reaction, low blood pressure or difficulty in breathing.

Here are some of the common symptoms of cockroach bite:

Allergic reaction to cockroach bites

Cockroaches bite can cause allergic reaction to some people. This is because of the specific protein found in the fluids of the cockroach. The saliva in cockroaches is responsible for transmitting allergen through the bite.

Allergic reaction can be severe especially in people suffering from asthma and infants. If you develop anaphylaxis reactions, immediately seek medical care.

Do Cockroach Bites Itch?

As discussed above, it is quite difficult to distinguish a cockroach bite from other insect bites such as bed bugs, fleas or mosquitos. The bites are itchy especially if your skin is sensitive and soft. The bites take the form of a red mark which can also cause burning, irritation or itchy skin.

The bites are larger from other insect bites and can result to bumps, lesions or minor wounds. Resist the urge to scratch the infected area as it can get worse. For sensitive skin, it can also cause allergic reactions, inflammation or any skin issues.

Other than causing itchy feeling, the bite can also be filled with but in rare cases where the situation is severe.

A simple way to deal with an itchy bite from a cockroach, is to wash or sterilize the affected area. Remember cockroaches have the ability to carry pathogens and allergen. Clean the area with a mild soap and running water. Apply ice to the bitten area to reduce the swelling and burning feeling. This also helps to relieve itching as well.

Huge Red Bumps

 One of the common symptoms of a cockroach bite is having huge red bumps on the infected area. Although the bumps appear similar to other insect bites, they are somehow larger. Unlike bed bug bite, the bites do not appear in a straight line. Similar, the bites can be larger than a mosquito bite.

What Do Cockroach Bites Look Like?

The bite from a cockroach is not different from any other insect bite. It may be a little difficult to distinguish a cockroach bite from other insect bites. You can easily confuse it from a bed bug bite due to the similarities in the form and shape.

A cockroach bite appear slightly larger than a bed bug bite. It is bright reddish in color. The bite can cause red bumps on your skin and its allergen tend to cause swelling, itching, burning or irritation.

People with sensitive skin can develop bumps filled with pus although rarely. The red bumps from a cockroach tend to be larger than a mosquito bite but if you scratch the infected area, it is likely to get worse causing rashes or even more severe conditions.

Cockroaches Bite on Humans Pictures

Here are some of the pictures to show how cockroaches bite on humans look like

Cockroach Bite vs Bed Bug Bite

A cockroach bite can appear similar to a bed bug bite. Some people may find it hard to differentiate them. In both cases, a red bumps tend to appear when a bed bug and cockroach bites. But you can still distinguish the two.

Bed bugs tend to bite in groups thus you will notice multiple bites in one area whereas a cockroach bite shows just one red round mark.

A cockroach bite unlike other bed bug bite is slightly larger in size. Unlike cockroaches, bed bugs are more aggressive since they entirely feed on human blood, they bite more often than cockroaches.

How Long Do Cockroach Bites Last?

There are certain types of cockroaches that bite. How long a cockroach bite last depends on the type of the cockroach and the severity of the infected area. The most likely cockroaches to bite are the American cockroaches and the Australian cockroaches.

A cockroach bite can last up to a week or so usually depending on how bad the bite was and the response on your skin. If your skin is sensitive it make take quite long, a week or so. People who develop allergic reactions also tend to experience the effect for a week or so. The infected wound or lesion also takes time to heal. You can treat the redness and bump by seeking medical care.

How Bad Is A Cockroach Bite- Are The Bites Dangerous?

Are cockroach bites dangerous? How bad is a cockroach bite? A cockroach bite should be considered dangerous since they can carry diseases causing pathogens such as bacteria and viruses.

Cockroaches are the known to be filthy and unhygienic and can contaminate items and food in your house. But the good news is they don’t spread any disease through a bite. They can only transmit germs and allergens through their fluids, vomit and fecal matter. If the cockroaches come in direct contact with wounds, they can cause diseases.

How to Deal with a Cockroach Bite

If you are sure the bite is from a cockroach, then first thing is to resist the urge of scratching the infected area. Although the bites can be quite itchy, scratching them will only makes the situation worse.

A quick remedy instead of scratching the bite is to wash it with soap and water. This helps to eliminate all the traces of germs, allergens and bacteria. Applying ice on the bitten wound helps to relieve itching and reduce swelling. You may also rub the area with a sliced onion to speed up healing process.

How To Avoid and Prevent a Cockroach Bite

Remember cockroaches are attracted to filth and unhygienic conditions in your home or kitchen. They are fond of smelling rotten and leftover food.

To avoid and prevent cockroach bites, you should maintain a clean home especially in your kitchen. This involves cleaning thoroughly and throwing trash immediately. Your kitchen sink should be clean and remover to wipe the kitchen surfaces to keep them clean and dry.

The obvious method of avoid and preventing a cockroach bite is to monito an infestation of cockroaches in your home.

Read also: How to Get Rid of Cockroaches in Kitchen Cabinets – Home Remedies, Naturally & Instantly

How To Treat A Cockroach Bite?

It is not common to get bitten by cockroaches. It only happens when the roaches are deprived of food. You can successfully treat a cockroach bite if you first correctly identify the bite. Several home care remedies and medication can help cure the infected area.

As soon as you notice a cockroach bite from the signs such as redness, itching or bump on the skin, immediately clean the wound to avoid the risk of infection. Use warm water and soap to wash the area.

Itchiness, swelling or burning sensation can be reduced by the use an ice pack. Rub aloe Vera gel. Consult your doctor who may recommend medicated creams to reduce the symptoms. Should you have symptoms such as anaphylaxis reactions, seek urgent medical help.

Medication for Cockroach Bite

You can use antihistamine such as calamine lotion to reduce itching, burning sensation and allergic reaction. Other than calamine lotion, use any other anti-itch cream or hydrocortisone cream to relieve itching and swelling.

For allergic reaction, medication such as nasal corticosteroid spray and decongestant can be used.

Here are some of the best commercial anti-itch creams- Benadryl Anti-itch Relief Cream, Calandryl Pink Calamine Skin Protectant and After Bite TreatmentBuy on Amazon

Cockroach Bite Home Remedy

Cockroach bite can be treated at home easily especially if the symptoms are just mild. Here’s how to treat cockroach bite with simple home remedy:

a) Wash the Infected Area

The first thing to do after getting bitten by a cockroach is to wash the infected area. Use warm water and soap to clean the area to remove germs and pathogens.

b) Apply Ice Pack

To relieve the symptoms of a cockroach bite such swelling, itching or burning sensation, apply ice pack on the wound. This also helps to reduce symptoms such swelling and redness or itching.

c) Apply Aloe Vera Gel

You can also apply aloe Vera gel on the affected skin to reduce itching and burning sensation.

d) Apply Baking Soda Paste

To treat the cockroach bite, you can also apply a thin layer of baking soda paste. A mixture of baking soda and vinegar helps to disinfect the wound and relieve swelling.


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