Rash around Eyes, Causes, in Children, Adults, Treat, Get Rid, Home Remedies

Rash around eyes is one of those conditions you wish you never had. Though to some people the rash may not itchy, most are painful and causes discomfort in children and adults. Read through as we take you through the causes such as shingles and how to treat and get rid of the rash with home remedies.

Rash around eye is usually a companied by itchy bumps. In most cases, the itching, irritation and swelling will clear up on its own within a week or two. Depending with what is causing the rash, different symptoms such as fever, headache and visual problems may be experienced. If this symptoms start to show, then it is time you see a doctor.

Discontinue use of make ups- those causing contact dermatitis or allergy rash can help in treating the rash. Topical ointment and emollients are in most cases used to relieve the skin of the symptoms caused by the rash. Antibiotic and antihistamine can also be prescribed. Antibiotic to prevent infection and antihistamine to spot rash caused by allergy.

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Rash under Eyes – Meaning

Are you wondering what the rash under eye is? Then wonder no more. A rash is a skin disorder that causes changes the way the skin naturally appears. It may cause the skin to change inn color, texture and temperature. Most skin rash causes the skin to become reddish or yellowish, develop itchy bumps that are painful and irritating.

Skin rash can also cause the skin to become dry, swell or blistered. Most of this symptoms are not harmless, when immediate medical attention is taken, for example use of topical ointment such as anti-itching creams and antifungals, the condition can be controlled. Apart from this, simple home remedies such as warm compress and applying aloe Vera gel can relieve the skin of the itching and irritation.

A rash is not always an infection, but a symptom of one. You need to visit your health care provider if you have a rash around eyes that fails to clear up within a week or two. Treating an underlying infection such as herpes, shingles and hives is key in making sure the rash does not recur.

Possible Causes

Rash around eye can be mild or severe. Most symptoms include itching and irritation. Some causes may led to the discoloration of the skin to red or white or yellowish with most accompanied by itchy rash. The following are the common causes of rash around eyes:

1. Lupus

The common cause of ash around ayes is lupus. This is an auto immune disorders that causes the immune system to become hyperactive and start to attack normal body cells. The immune system is the body’s defense system against attacks such as bacterial and viral. It is the system that protects the body from infection.

Common symptoms with lupus include; inflammation, swelling, joint damage, itchy bumps on skin and skin rash. Lupus may also cause damage to the kidney, blood, heart and lungs if immediate medical attention is not given to the condition. It is important to note that these symptoms will vary from person to person. You need to see a health provider as soon as you notice any of the mentioned symptoms.

Other symptoms to look out for include:

  • Butterfly rash
  • High body temperature (fever)
  • Fatigue
  • Hair loss
  • Appetite loss

The cause of lupus is not known, but it is believed to be a genetic condition. Treatment for the condition will thus aim at reducing and making the symptoms manageable. For those with mild symptoms, anti-inflammatory medication can be used to decrease inflammation and reduce the autoimmune activities in the body.

If you have lupus, you ca preventing flares of the disease by avoiding sun exposure, making sure you do not discontinue medication and monitoring the symptoms to make sure they do not reach a critical or chronic levels.

2. Shingles

The other common cause of skin rash is shingles. It’s caused by the same virus that causes by the same virus that causes chicken pox in both children and adults. The virus that’s causes shingles belong to a group of virus called herpes virus. The virus causing shingles is varicella-zoster virus. The virus is highly contagious. The virus can only be transmitted to person who had never suffers from chicken pox before.

Common symptoms among people with shingles are:

  • Tender skin
  • Blistering rash
  • Numbness and itching among specific parts of the skin
  • Red blotches that develop itchy blisters
  • Those affecting the eyes is called optical shingles
  • Eye inflammation
  • Blisters dry up to form scabs
  • Patches of sores and lesions
  • Scars start to occur where the blisters had been.
  • Rarely they will be a rash with no pain
  • Drooping eyelids
  • Difficult in moving some facial muscles
  • Hearing loss

Other symptoms among people with singles include the following:

  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Joint pain
  • Muscles pain
  • Swollen lymph nodes

The varicella-zoster virus causing shingles can hide in the nerves system and remain undetected, the virus remains dormant eve after the symptoms have cleared up. This makes it impossible to treat the condition completely. However, the following measures can be taken to ease the symptoms.

  • Keep the rash around eyes clean to reduce the risk of infection
  • Topical antibiotic creams can be helpful in reducing the inflammation and itching
  • Do not pop the blisters
  • To prevent itching, you can apply antihistamine cream
  • For pain cause by shingles, painkillers can be prescribed
  • Anti-viral medication can be used to stop the virus from multiplying

3. Auto immune disorder

An auto immune disorder occurs when the body immune system develops antibodies that start to attack healthy body cells and tissues. As said earlier, the immune system is responsible for protecting our bodies against pathogens causing infection. But when it mistakes our healthy body cells and tissues for those pathogen that is when we say it is an autoimmune disorder, or immunity against itself.

The common symptoms and signs include inflammation which causes redness and swelling. Depending with which part of the body an autoimmune affects, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • Joint pains and swelling
  • When it affects the thyroid you may experience tiredness, weight gain and muscles aches

The common example of autoimmune disorder are vitiligo and lupus. Treating an auto immune disorder involves reducing inflammation and it is dependent on the disease causing the autoimmune.

4. Bacterial infection around eye

The other possible cause of rash around eyes is bacterial infection around eyes. This can caused when you do not wash your hands or contact lenses properly. Minor accumulation of bacteria can cause redness and swelling around eyes.

The other cause of bacterial infection is cellulitis, a skin infection caused by staph bacteria. This causes a growing red rash and swelling around eyes. The skin feels warm to touch and can be accompanied by fever and general body fatigue. You need to see a health care provider immediately for diagnosis least it develops into a blood infection.

5. Lyme disease

Lyme disease is a less common cause of rash around eye for those living in urban areas. The condition is caused by a bacteria transmitted from ticks bites.

The common symptoms include an itchy rash around eyes, fever, headache, fatigue and nervous system impairment. You need to see a health care provider as soon as possible to prevent the risk of the bacteria spreading to the brain, heart or joints. It can also cause numbness or pain in the joint area.

Anti-inflammatory creams can be used to manage the symptoms but you have to see a doctor.

6. Herpes

The other possible cause of rash around eye is herpes around eyes. Caused by herpes simplex virus type 1, the same that causes cold sores. Herpes around eyes cause symptoms such as redness, excessive tears secretion, a painful rash around the eyes,

Close body contact with people with cold sore can led to you contracting the virus.

7. Atopic dermatitis

Also known as eczema, atopic dermatitis is a form of localized skin irritation characterized by dryness, redness, peeling and at times bleeding skin. The condition is believed to worsen during periods of emotional disturbance such as high stress or anger.

Topical ointment such as anti-itching or anti-inflammatories can help relieve the skin of the itching and swelling. To relieve the burning, itching and tingling caused by herpes, you can use antiviral medication, it can be oral or intravenous. The treatment can also shorten the outbreak of the virus.

8. Periorificial dermatitis around eyes

Periorificial dermatitis is a common cause of skin rash among females. It is in most cases characterized by groups of itchy or tender small red papules around the eye. When around the mouth the condition is known as perioral dermatitis.

For treatment, topical antibiotic creams, immunosuppressive creams, oral antibiotic and topical acne medication can be used to treat and relieve the skin of the symptoms caused by perioral dermatitis. Topical therapy can also be used to treat mild cases of this condition

To prevent the condition you can avoid topical steroids and occlusive face creams. See you doctor is the condition fails to clear up with a week or two of treatment.

9. Allergic reaction

Allergic reaction are in most cases associated with hay fever, however, other forms of allergy can cause itching or red rash around eyes. This can be through insect bites, certain foods and poison ivy can all make a rash emerge around eyes.

Allergy can be shown by watery eyes, puffy skin around the eyes, itchiness, raised bumps and redness or inflammation around the eye. Anti-inflammatory can help relieve the skin of the swelling, itching and the burning sensation caused.

10. Cosmetic allergy or contact dermatitis

Cosmetic allergy differ to normal allergy in the following reason. With allergy the symptoms do not have to appear where the allergen made contact. On the other hand, with cosmetic allergy, the rash manifests itself around the part of the skin that was in contact with the offending irritant or allergen.

Rash caused by cosmetic and other make up is known as contact dermatitis. The allergens will include things such as soaps, cosmetic make ups, moisturizing creams, exfoliating scrubs, mascara and other facial products. This is common in female.

Symptoms will include redness, irritation, inflammation, itchy bumps around eyes. This symptoms are more localized around the trigger. Discontinuing the use of the allergen is key in treating the rash and preventing future attracts. Topical ointment and natural home remedies such as aloe Vera rinse and chamomile tea wash can all help relieve the skin of the rash.               

11. Rash around eyes after vomiting

Common among children, petechiae are tiny red spots on skin appearing around eyes. The spots may be itchy at times but not always. The red spots are caused by bleeding into the skin. Other symptoms to look out for include:

  • Excessive bleeding from gums
  • Easy bruising when one rubs the skin around the eyes
  • Unexplained nose bleeding
  • For female, they may experience heavy bleeding during menstruation
  • Blood clot under the skin

The condition can be caused by leukemia, you need to see your health care provider as soon as possible. Possible treatment option will include vitamin support, supplements and herbal treatment to boost blood level.

Rash around Eyes in Babies and Children

Rash around eyes of babies can be very uncomfortable. The itching and irritation caused by the rash can cause the baby to cry a lot. Other common symptom among babies with rash include the following:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Swelling of skin around the eyes
  • Body fever
  • General feeling of unwell
  • Itchy bumps around eye and through the body
  • Blood blisters on skin

You need to have a pediatrician check on your kid immediately you notice rash start to develop on the skin and fails to go away or start to spread. Though most rash are harmless, the itching and irritation caused by the rash can be very discomforting to the baby.

The common cause of skin rash in children include the following; baby acne, milia, impetigo, eczema or atopic dermatitis and shingles.

What Causes Rash around Eyes in Adults?

The cause of rash around eye for adults will vary. Rash is a common harmless condition that can affect people of all ages regardless of the age and gender. Rash around eyes is however common in females compared to male. The reason if due to the combination of different cosmetic products they use. It could also be due to the fact that the male skin is harder than that of the females.

Hygiene and lifestyle are responsible for the spread and infection of skin rash. Those who smoke or drink a lot of alcohol are more at risk of skin rash compared to those who do not. Taking a balance diet and excessing often makes the skin smooth, soft and well moisturized thus reducing skin rash.

The following are the common causes of rash around eye in adults:

  • Lupus
  • Cosmetic allergy
  • Auto immune condition
  • Perioral dermatitis
  • Bacterial infection

Rash around Eyes Not Itchy

The common cause of an itch less rash can be contact dermatitis which causes a localized rash around the area of contact between the skin and the reacting allergen. The rash can be red and accompanied by small raised bumps that can be itchy or not.

The other possible reason of an itch less rash is Lyme disease caused by a bacteria transmitted by ticks. Tis rash is also red, inflamed and swollen. Small raised bumps may also be seen. You need to see health care provider as soon as possible to prevent the bacteria from getting into your brain or heart. At that point the condition can be life threatening.


Treating rash around eyes involves treating the underlying medical condition and managing the symptoms presented. Since most of the condition causing rash such as milia, herpes and singles have no permanent treatment option, treatment will involve managing the symptoms.

Other condition are highly contagious, they thus call for immediate medical attention to limit the spread and infection to other people. Treatment will also involve the prevention of the infection for condition believed to be genetically related. A good example is shingle and rare allergy.

On the heading above we have discussed the condition causing rash and the best treatment option available for each one of them. In this subheading we shall discuss the general treatment option for the rash and the best way to manage the symptoms.

For treatment of rash around eye you can try the following:

  • Topical ointment
  • Emollients
  • Corticosteroids
  • Antibiotics both oral and topical
  • Vaccination for kids and those who have not contacted chicken pox before to prevent against shingles.
  • Anti-allergy creams

How to Get Rid – Home Remedies

  • Mild soap to help keep the skin clean and reduce rate of bacteria accumulation.
  • Cold compress to help relieve the skin of the inflammation and swelling. With a clean face towel, wrap a few ice cubes and pale it gently around the eye, do this for ten minutes twice in a day for optimal results.
  • Aloe Vera is known to reduce inflammation. The gel can also be used to treat rash around eyes. Squeeze the gel and apply it evenly on the rash. Make sure the gel does not get into the eyes-this can be painful
  • Chamomile tea face wash twice in a day for a week can be effective in relieving the skin of the itching and inflammation
  • Olive Oil a strong anti-fungal and anti-itching agent. It is good for relieving the skin of the itching and swelling caused by rash around eyes.
  • Mild Petroleum jelly is good especially for children. It can be effective in softening the skin and keeping it moisturized thus preventing cracking
  • Baby shampoo is good when dealing with allergic reaction on face. This is good for contact dermatitis caused rash. It is effective for cleaning skin and also it is gentle on eyes. Using a clean cloth gently cleanse the affected areas.

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