Red Spots on Breast, Bumps, Pictures, No Lump, No Pain, Causes, Get Rid, Treat

Red spots on breast can be a symptom of inflammatory breast cancer. The redness cannot however be associated with breast cancer. Some people will have a rash, bump or lump that can be accompanied by pain or itching. The spots are common in female who are breastfeeding. In this topic we have provided more information about the spots, the causes and treatment option of how to get rid of the spots. Read to through for more information.

The breast is prone to very many kind of skin rash. Some rash may be mild and will clear up within a few days. Redness is not mostly associated with breast cancer, though to some it may be possible. Inflammatory breast cancer is a rare and aggressive form of breast cancer that can cause this redness and inflammation.

Red Spots on side of Breast skin
Red Spots on side of Breast skin

Inflammatory breast cancer occurs when malignant cells block the skin and lymph vessels of the breast. It differs from other forms of cancer as it does not cause a lump or tumor. A common symptoms associated with IBC is redness that may appear as a bruise on the breast.

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  1. Rash under Breast

Possible Causes 

Most people will get scared by a simple sight of red spot on breast. This is common because women are made to believe that any abnormality around the breast skin is caused by breast cancer. On the contrary, breast cancer is not the only cause of redness around the breast. Below we have provided some possible causes of red spots and bumps on breast.

1. Melasma

Also known as chloasma faciei, or the mask of pregnancy in pregnant women, is a tan of dark skin discoloration. Though it can affect anyone, the condition is common in women and especially among pregnant ones.

Those taking oral, patch contraceptive or hormone replacement therapy medication are also at the risk of developing this skin condition. If the cause of melasma is pregnancy or use of birth control pills, then the condition will clear up on its own.  Otherwise, your doctor will prescribe body creams that will help lighten the skin.

2. Mastitis

Mastitis is the inflammation of the mammary gland and udder due to bacterial infection via a damaged nipple or teat. The condition is common among women who are producing milk or breastfeeding. Blocked milk duct can also cause mastitis. Those with mastitis often complain of hard, sore spots inside breast.

Mastitis can occur during the first 3 months after giving birth but it can also occur up to two years for some mothers. To treat the condition, lactating mothers need to drink a lot of fluids, feed the baby more often to reduce blockages and seek medical attention in cases of severe pain.

3. Mammary duct ectasia

Duct ectasia of the breast or plasma cell mastitis is a condition where the lactiferous duct becomes blocked or clogged. This is a common cause of greenish nipple discharge. It can mimic breast cancer. The condition is a disorder of peri-or-post menopause age.

4. Paget’s disease

Paget’s disease is an inflammation of the nipple. The condition is associated with breast cancer. The condition will appear as a red, scaly rash on the skin of the nipple and areola. Around 60 percent of women diagnosed with Paget’s disease have a lump behind the nipple.

In 9 out of 10 of those infected with Paget’s disease will have invasive breast cancer? This is where cancerous cell invades the surrounding breast tissue.

5. Inflammatory breast cancer

Inflammatory breast cancer is a rare and very aggressive form of breast cancer. Cancer cells block lymph vessels in the skin of the breast. The breast will appear swollen, inflamed and red. Depending on the stage of the cancer, treatment will include chemotherapy, surgery and radiation therapy.

6. Tinea versicolor

Tinea versicolor is a fungal infection of the skin caused by the overgrowth of yeast that naturally lives in the skin. When the yeast grows out of control, the skin disease that appears as a rash appears. Common symptoms will include itching, inflammation and redness of the skin.

7. Topical anti-fungal reaction

Skin allergy to topical medication can also result in redness and inflammation of the breast skin. Discontinue the use of the medication to avoid further irritation. Report the allergic reaction to the doctor so that he or she can prescribe an alternative medication.

8. Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation can also result in dark spots on the breast. This condition refers to the darkening of the skin caused by increased melanin. Sun exposure is a common cause of increased melanin.

9. Seborrheic keratosis

Seborrheic keratosis is a common noncancerous skin growth in older people. It may appear as brown, black or light tan growth on the skin. The growth has a waxy, scaly and slightly elevated appearance.

10. Common skin condition

Red spots on breast can also be caused by common skin condition such as psoariasis causing rash, itching and inflammation. To relieve the skin, topical ointments and natural home remedies can be used.

Red Spots, Patch on Breast While Breastfeeding

Most breastfeeding mothers have reported causes of redness. Even though harmless, red spots and patches on breast while breastfeeding should be a reason to worry. This is because it could affect the health of both the mother and the child.

During breastfeeding, the mother stands the risk of developing mastitis. Mastitis is a localized swelling of the milk duck caused by bacteria from the child’s mouth or normal bacterial accumulation. Mastitis causes swelling, pain, redness, bumps and fever. Severe case of mastitis will result in an abscess or a boil. To treat this infection, antibiotic will be used. Depending on the type of antibiotic used, breastfeeding can continue during treatment.

According to the American Cancer society, breastfeeding lower the risk of breast cancer. This is especially true if the woman breastfeeds for longer than one year. Most of the females in the United States will fail to enjoy this benefits given the fact that most will breastfeed for less months.

The following is the reason why breastfeeding will lower you chances of developing breast cancer.

  • Continues production of milk lowers the ability of breast cells to misbehave, say for the cases of malignant cells and tissues of the breast.
  • Those who breastfeed for long will have few menstrual cycles, now do the mathematics, add the gestation period and the duration of the breastfeeding. The amount of estrogen produce will be lower compared to those who breastfeed for little time or those who do not breastfeed at all.
  • Another thing that will reduce the chance of breast cancer during pregnancy is lifestyle change. Most women who breastfeed do not smoke, they tend to eat nutritious food and will generally maintain a healthy life style. With this the chances of developing breast cancer are reduced.
  • Apart from these health advantages to the mother, breastfeeding is also very important to the health of the baby.
  • Breastfeeding also provides an important bonding opportunity between the mother and the child.

Red Spots on Side of Breast during Pregnancy

In females, the breast goes through tremendous changes during and after pregnancy. Due to hormonal changes, the Montgomery glands which are oil producing glands in the areola may become large and swollen. The tissues can then appear as dark red spots on the breast. Most health care provider insist that this condition is normal.

As such no treatment is required, however, if the itching become severe, topical ointments such as anti-itching creams can be used to soothe the skin by relieve the itching. Seek medical attention if the red spots or itching becomes too unbearable.

Red Spots on Breasts Look like Bug Bite

Apart from internal causes, red spots on breast can also be caused by external factors. Bugs and insect can transmit Lyme that cause the skin to become itchy leading to red spots. A good example is deer ticks, spiders, bees and lice. If you have numerous bites, you need to seek immediate medical attention as this can have a detrimental effect to your health.

Eczema also known as atopic dermatitis can also cause skin inflammation and irritation. Eczema causes skin rash that makes the skin dry, rough and in most cases red. To relive the itching and inflammation, topical ointment and skin emollients can be used. The symptoms can also be managed at home using simple natural home remedies like aloe Vera gel and chamomile tea wash.

Breast fungus and cellulitis condition caused by staphylococcus aureus infection can also cause the redness on breast. The two are known to affect the subcutaneous layer of the skin on breast causing itching and irritation of the skin. The two can also result in redness of the skin.

The other possible cause of the redness is allergic reaction to deodorants and other skin care products. These can promote a condition referred to as radiation dermatitis.

Red Spots on Breast No Lump

It is uncommon for breast cancer to have no lump. The truth is, until recently most people had no information of a rare but a fast growing type of breast cancer that cold appear without a lump. This cancer is referred to as inflammatory breast cancer. IBC is a rare but very aggressive form of breast cancer. It is called inflammatory because the breast will often appear swollen red or inflamed.

It occurs when malignant cancer cells block the lymph vessel of the breast skin. The cancer will appear as a bug bite or mastitis a breast infection. The treatment for IBC will depend on the stage the cancer is in. early sages can be treated with chemotherapy where strong chemical drugs are used to suppress and kill the malignant cancer cells.

As the cancer advances, treatment can change to surgery and finally radiation therapy where an ultra-violate rays are used to kill and destroy the cancer cells. You doctor will diagnose the condition and then you can discuss the most effective and affordable way to treat the cancer.

Red Spots on My Breast No Pain

Most people are tempted to think that painless red spots on breast are caused by cancer. That should not the case. The truth is, breast cancer rarely causes redness on the breast. However, as stated above, inflammatory breast cancer, a rare type of cancer could be the cause of the redness. Other possible causes of breast pain will include the following:

Mastalgia, this is a medical term used to describe breast pain. The pain can be cyclic, meaning it will vary with the menstruation cycle. The pain can also be described as noncyclic meaning it is no dependent on the menstruation cycle. Another description of the pain can be extra mammary mastalgia, here, the pain is felt in the breast but is referred to another location.

Benign breast cyst which are fluid filled sac inside breast can also result in painless lump. The lumps are noncancerous and can appear on one or both breast. They are often described as round or oval lump wit distinct edges. The cyst are common in women before they attain menopause.

Painless red sports can also be caused by normal Breast rash caused by contact dermatitis or atopic dermatitis or eczema. These are irritation of the skin due to contact with allergic substances. In cases of irritation, topical ointment can be used. The rash, the itching and redness will usually clear up within a week or some days.

Mastitis during breast feeding can also be the reason for redness on breast. By definition, mastitis refers to the infection of breast tissue that results in breast pain, swelling, warmth and redness. Some women will also experience fever and chills due to mastitis.

Red Bumps on My Breast – what are they?

If you are wandering what the red bumps on breast are, you need not to worry the bumps could simply be caused by bug bites. But that should not again be the reason not to follow through. Bumps ad spots on breast might be a possible sign of breast cancer. Though rare, it could be a sign of inflammatory breast cancer a condition caused when the malignant cells lock the lymph vessels in the breast.

Red bumps can also be as a result of breast rashes caused by fungal or bacterial infection. This is common among lactating mothers. The rash is as result of yeast infection. The rash will cause the breast to become itchy and painful to touch. Topical ointments may be prescribed to relive the skin of the itching and inflammation.

Red bums can also be caused by contact dermatitis. This is caused by allergic substance that comes in contact with the skin. The reaction will result in inflammation, swelling, redness and redness of the breast skin.

Painless redness of the skin can also be an early sign of pregnancy. Some people develop a pink or red spot during the first 26 weeks of pregnancy. This is normal, but you need to confirm it first with your gynecologist.

Red Bumps on Breast Pictures

Below are some images to help you understand how the red bumps on breast will appear.

Red Bump formed underneath the Breast Skin - Picture
Red Bump formed underneath the Breast Skin – Picture

How to Get Rid Of Red Spots on Breast Skin – Home Remedies

To get rid of the red spots on breast, your doctor will prescribe any of the following treatment option. The response of the said medication will depend on the underlying cause of the redness on breast. The treatment option will include:

Applying Retinoid creams and gels containing vitamin B5 on the breast on the infected parts. Apart from these, Benzoyl peroxide can be used to fight bacteria causing infections like acne. The solution can also be used to remove dead skin cells thus getting rid of the red spots on breast.

A dermatology may also prescribe cryotherapy, this removal method uses liquid nitrogen to help kill the red spots on breast. The process can literally be translated to mean cod therapy. It is a surgical procedure that is used to destroy tissues of both benign and malignant lesion causing skin discoloration.

For redness caused by cancer, you dermatology will prescribe a laser therapy. This procedure uses high energy laser beams to kill and destroy the malignant cells causing lumps and redness of the breast.

Another possible medical procedure that can be used to remove the dark spots is dermabrasion, it is the removal of superficial layers of the skin with a rapidly revolving abrasive tool. This technique is commonly used in cosmetic surgery.

Apart from these, manual exfoliation can be prescribed to get rid of the spots. A low concentration of salicylic acid is required to remove the thin layer of the skin. This process can be effective in removing the dark sports caused by acne scars.

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